One of the most common misconceptions of divorce is that a wife can take all assets from their husband. However, this idea is far from the actual legal processes that take place during a divorce. If you're currently going through…
Once you have decided to divorce, it is common to feel like you want to complete it as soon as possible in order to move on with your life. Getting a divorce in California involves several important steps, and certain…
Any divorce brings the prospect of costly litigation in court. If you recently initiated a divorce or were informed that your spouse is seeking to dissolve your marital union, you likely have questions about the divorce lawyer cost in California.…
How Do Men And Women View Divorce Differently in California? From the outset, women are typically much more emotional about the divorce process and the initial breakup than men, although I’ve seen it both ways. Generally speaking, men are from…
In California, the process is relatively straightforward; whatever was accumulated by the parties during the course of the marriage is presumed to be community property, including joint bank accounts, automobiles, real property that was acquired during the course of the…
Child custody battles can be prevented if both parents are truly looking out for the best interest of their children; it’s important for the kids to be involved with mom and dad, and it does no one any good unless…
In the divorce mediation process, typically, both parties and both divorce attorneys meet at a third party mediator’s office, where typically they are placed across the table from each other with the trained mediator, typically a retired judge or highly…
Top Misconceptions People Have About The Divorce Process in California One of the biggest misconceptions many people seem to have is that once you start the divorce process, there is no way to stop it; they ask me if they…
What are the Challenging Aspects of A California Divorce Case For An Attorney It all depends on which stage of the process you get a client; if they just caught their significant other in bed with someone else the day…
Christmas and the holidays come too soon every year. At present, it is still November, and the weather is finally chilling a bit. Nevertheless, Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us and so are the stressors that go along with the…
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